Best Places for Sakura in Düsseldorf


Sakura in Düsseldorf enables picturesque spring journeys for a span of four weeks across the city. Check out this compilation to dive deeper into the best cherry blossom hotspots in Düsseldorf.

What to expect

The first phase of Sakura in Düsseldorf mark the following places:

1. Kaiserswerther Markt

Surprisingly, the newest hotspot for Sakura in Düsseldorf is not planted into the ground but in huge buckets. Situated at Kaiserswerther Markt, the rather small cherry blossom trees create still a charming pink alley in the old town’s heart.

Click here for the dedicated article to dive in deeper and to know the time slot to visit this Sakura hotspot.

2. Südpark

Among the great cherry blossom places in Düsseldorf, Südpark may offer the greatest picturesque variety. Thanks to its location at a lake, it’s the ultimate spring oasis during Hanami Season.

Dive in deeper and get to know how long these blooming cherry trees can still be admired in this dedicated article.

The second phase of Sakura in Düsseldorf mark the following places:

3. Zietenstraße

Fortunately, Sakura in Düsseldorf can also be admired from the street view. Located in Golzheim, Zietenstraße combines hundreds of metres of gorgeous cherry trees along enchanting facades.

Get a closer look at this must-see Sakura boulevard and its blooming slot in this dedicated article.

4. St. Josef Kirche

Maybe not the biggest cherry blossom hotspot but one with a high characteristic. Also located in Oberbilk, the church St. Josef is confronted by a formation of dense blooming Sakura trees. While they create a pink sky at their peak, the ground transforms into a blooming sea by the end of the blooming spectacle.

In this dedicated article, you get all the needed information and further insights for your visit.

More hotspots for Sakura in Düsseldorf will be added shortly.

5. Conclusion

All in all, Sakura in Düsseldorf is being offered in many variations with different settings. Thankfully, you can celebrate Hanami during both cherry blossom phases. From urban nature to spring oasis, you get amazing places for a picturesque and blooming journey.



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